daycares Carmel Indiana, Pre Kindergarten and Private Kindergarten in Carmel Indiana

As the child enters fours a school like setting will greet them. A teacher will begin to prepare the child for kindergarten with the pre-kindergarten curriculum in fours.

Core Concentrations

  • Large & Small motor skills
  • Phonics
  • Traditional written expression
  • Geography
  • Readiness skills
  • Mathematical concepts
  • Fine self help skills

Preschool Physical Development

The children are outside twice a day in the morning and afternoon. Large motor development will happen during this time. During gym time, specific motor activities occur. Everyday different motor activities are done to enhance certain skills. Also different gym equipment will be used in achieving gymnastic goals.

Pre-Kindergarten and Private Kindergarten in Carmel Indiana at Heartland Hall Child Development Center


In fours, sometimes called pre-kindergarten, we only have one teacher with only 12 children. The teacher will know each child and will easily tract their achievements. The teacher will evaluate each child daily and weekly. By using a definite schedule each day each child will relate reading with what is happening and what the teacher expects. A weekly theme will be introduced and used to broaden the child's learning of the world around them.

Social Behavior

The children will become independent thinkers by putting on coats and zipping it themselves. The child will learn how to positively interact with other children. Pre-kindergarten children will vocalize feelings and how to solve problems involving peers. Using kind words and voices are stressed as the children play and express thoughts. The teacher's example is very important as she interacts with the children. Every child will respect each other and their space. The understanding of rules as they apply to each other and the teacher will be expected.

Language Development

The child will be much challenged this year by introducing phonics along with verbalizing in complete sentences and will even include reading readiness activities. Fours in these preschool classes are also refining writing skills and simple math skills are introduced at this time. Social studies are broadening to include continents and bodies of water along with a review of the states. Science and Spanish round out the child's day. Workbooks are used daily for part of curriculum. Art will be a definite part of each day and also be included in other areas of study.


All children will share germs from one to another all day. The staff is cleaning all day to keep everything in the room sanitized. Every time a child or staff member sneezes, coughs, wipes a nose, comes in from outside, goes to the restroom, or goes to snack and lunch they will be washing hands. Rooms and carpets are cleaned and sanitized daily and weekly to keep down the spread of illness. When your child is showing signs of illness it is best for them to stay home to help us to keep down the sickness in our building.

Elective Classes

We offer students who wish to try science, sports and artistic activities. We make age appropriate elective classes available for piano, tennis, karate, yoga, art and STEM Coding. The STEM classes will feature coding projects involving numbers, colors, shapes, patterns and sizes. The goal is to enhance their understanding of computational, critical and logical thinking skills. The fees for these extra classes are very reasonable and are above the regular child care tuition.

Schedule A Tour

Please come see why parents from Carmel, Westfield, Indianapolis and Zionsville all love Heartland Hall Child Development Center. Contact us here to arrange your tour.