We understand the concern that parents have regarding the safety of their child while outside. We have two very large state of the art playgrounds, one for the infant and toddler department, and another for our older children.
State Approved Safety Designed
Both of these preschool playgrounds are completely surrounded by a gated fence. All playground equipment is surrounded completely by State certified safety zone. All playgrounds meet State and National safety guidelines. All of our children have plenty of space to develop physically while outside. Our infant and toddler playground is very large with a park like setting mostly under mature trees.
Daily Inspections
Both playgrounds are inspected daily by the staff. The administration also checks the playgrounds to insure that all safety standards are maintained at all times. Checking of all equipment, fencing, and area are included.
All children are offered a drink of water after outside play. No child has outside time unless weather is favorable while following state weather guidelines.
Physical Development
Toddler's physical development is very important as the child begins to move around more efficiently. Many play activities each day strengthen gross motor skills using inside and outside equipment. This toddler's playground is an extension of our class room efforts to help your child's physical development.
Our large gym allows indoor play time that can help physical development of your children even in bad weather. This extremely large gym with twenty-four foot ceilings and a total of 2,048 square feet, helps children to develop physically. There are many activities going on all day during physical education classes. Each age has gym class everyday where large motor skills are challenged. The lowest portion of the gym wall is covered in carpet to help prevent injuries associated with it.