Heartland Hall's private kindergarten consists of two sections. Pre-Kindergarten will be for the child whose birthday is after August 31st of that year. With a birthday before August 31st the child will immediately attend Kindergarten. Fives are very different in that the child's arrival must be by a certain time. The child will not only learn through play, but also by reading, writing, and math skills. Your child will receive the greatest accomplishments because this a full day well- rounded program.
Core Kindergarten Concentrations
- Assessments: weekly and quarterly
- Creative writing
- Development of reading comprehension
- Traditional learning environment
- Striving for independence, maturity, and accountability
- Mathematical concepts
- Systemic phonetic approach
- Written Math
- Large & Small Motor Skills

Physical Development
The children are outside morning and afternoon of each day. Outside activities are sometimes organized and at other times it will be the child's choice. Large motor skills are worked on everyday not only outside but also in the gym. During gym time all children are working on the large and small motor development. Each day different activities are planned to help with this development.
Kindergarten Curriculum this year will include your child participating in an intensive systematic phonics program. In writing, the formation of letters will be expected of each child. Writing will be done throughout the day. Math will be a variety of math activities with hands on experiences, discussions, or workbooks. New words will be added for Spanish. Science will include the senses, our bodies, animals, nature, weather, food, and space. Art will be a separate time during each day and will also reinforce other areas of our curriculum.
Social Behavior
Social development with each other is very important. Together with the teacher a list of rules are created that all children are expected to follow. Independence and self-help skills are encouraged. All children are expected to respect each other and their space. Friendships are made or rekindled. Each child will be picked to be the star of the week. This week the "star" will share things with the class. Field trips will be a part of this year to encourage following direction and being independent of the family. Great learning experiences will happen between peers. Computer time enhances peer involvement.
Home work will be given during this year. The parent will need to give guidance for some assignments. Homework will be expected to be returned on an assigned day. Written progress reports will come home three times a year. This will show the child's progress and indicate any problematic areas.
Language Development
Language plays a very important part of the child's focus during Pre-K and Kindergarten. The vocabulary of the child will greatly expand. The child will begin to read short easy books in Pre-K and will expand to reading full books in kindergarten. The child will begin independently to read in kindergarten.
All children will share germs from one another all day. The child should know by now to cover nose and mouth if sneezing or coughing; blowing own nose; and washing hands. Hands will be washed before and after eating any food items as well as after coming inside from the playground. Rooms and carpets are cleaned and sanitized daily and weekly to keep down illness. When your child is showing signs of illness it is best for them to stay home to help us to keep down the sickness in our building.
A Great Playground
The Heartland Hall Playground is unique in this market for it's size and range of playground equipment that is available to the children to use. So many safety features are incorporated in to the design of the playground and layout of the equipment.
Special Events and Field Trips
We have special events like Goodies with Grandparents, Doughnuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom. Our age appropriate field trips are to places like farms, Lucas Oil Stadium and rock wall climbing. Two of our classes visited the residents at Hoosier Village. They sang songs, passed out treats and shared some cheerfulness with the grandmas and grandpas.
Elective Classes
We offer students who wish to try science, sports and artistic activities. We make age appropriate elective classes available for piano, tennis, karate, yoga, art and STEM Coding. The STEM classes will feature coding projects involving numbers, colors, shapes, patterns and sizes. The goal is to enhance their understanding of computational, critical and logical thinking skills. The fees for these extra classes are very reasonable and are above the regular child care tuition.
Schedule A Tour
Please come see why parents from Carmel, Westfield, Indianapolis and Zionsville all love Heartland Hall Child Development Center. Contact us here to arrange your tour.